A range of quick couplers that allows the operator to quickly and easily connect Volvo Attachments.
This quick coupler fits the S40 or S50 attachment interfaces standard. It is a good choice for work which requires high performance and has the need to easily switch attachments. Fully cast in steel and with a low build height.
Available for: ECR88D, EW60E, EC60E, ECR58, ECR50, ECR40, EC37, EC27D, ECR25D
Open a world of new opportunities with the Tilt Quick Coupler – giving you the ability to tilt all your attachments up to 90° in each direction. Available ready-to-use from the factory, the quick coupler delivers optimum performance, with a low build-height maintaining high breakout force and light weight ensuring outstanding machine stability.
Available for: ECR88D, EW60E, EC60E, ECR58, ECR50, EC20E, EC18E