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LX01 California Press Event

Volvo Construction Equipment presented its field test results for the LX01 prototype electric hybrid wheel loader at a press event in California, US, on July 12th. The machine performed hundreds of hours of real work in two applications and achieved around a 50% improvement in fuel efficiency compared to its conventional counterparts.

Since the end of last year, the LX01 prototype electric hybrid wheel loader has performed hundreds of hours of real work in two applications for Volvo Construction Equipment (Volvo CE) customer Waste Management. Testing began at the Redwood Landfill and Recycling Center, a green waste site in California. Both fuel efficiency and greenhouse gas emission tests were conducted at the facility and, although the data is still being analyzed, the results so far show an average improvement of 50% in fuel efficiency, equating to a reduction of 35% in fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. The second test site was the Moreno Valley Transfer Station, a waste transfer site in the southern part of the state. Here, the LX01 achieved an average fuel efficiency improvement of around 45%. 

Volvo CE organized the press event alongside Waste Management, CALSTART, which conducted emission tests on the machine, and the California Energy Commission, which helped fund the LX01 project. At this stage, the LX01 is part of a development project and it is not commercially available.

To read the press release, click here

LX01 prototype hybrid wheel loader - interviews with Waste Management operators

Waste Management operators in Moreno Valley providing feedback about Volvo CE's LX01 prototype electric wheel loader

LX01 prototype hybrid wheel loader (I) - California

Volvo Construction Equipment presents field test results for its LX01 prototype electric hybrid wheel loader at a press event in California, US, on July 12th. The company organized the event alongside its customer Waste Management, which carried out the field tests, CALSTART, which conducted emission tests on the machine, and the California Energy Commission, which helped fund the LX01 project



Tiffany Cheng

Head of Brand, Marketing and Corporate Communication
Regions Asia and China
Volvo Construction Equipment

Åsa Alström

Head of Strategic Communications
Volvo Construction Equipment

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